Sunday Worship & Bulletin

We will gather for worship at 10 a.m. with Adult Sunday School at 9 a.m. All are welcome!

Wondering what to wear? Come as you are! Most folks dress casual for worship.

We welcome children! Pastor Mamie invites families to worship together…we embrace the sounds that come with children joining us in worship…they are the sounds of life! We do offer nursery for infants & toddlers during worship.

We follow a traditional Word & Table Order of Worship that includes: Prelude, responsive Call to Worship, Opening Hymn, Opening Prayer, Gloria Patri, 1st Scripture Lesson, Children’s Time, Hymn of Preparation, 2nd Scripture Lesson, Sermon, Affirmation of Faith (usually the Apostles’ Creed), Passing the Peace, Offertory with Anthem from the Chancel Choir, Doxology, Joys & Concerns, Pastoral Prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, Closing Hymn, Blessing & Benediction, Sending Forth, Postlude. A copy of Sunday’s bulletin and announcements insert can be found at the bottom of this page.

We offer Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month. As a sign of hospitality, we offer gluten-free bread and we use grape juice (not wine). We serve Holy Communion by intinction (dipping an individual piece of bread into the common cup). We also offer individual prepackaged elements with a wafer and juice at each Communion station. As United Methodists, we observe an open table for Holy Communion, meaning all are welcome to come and receive this holy meal and the grace that comes with it.

If you would like to view recent sermons, please follow this link or click the “Recent Sermons” tab from the Home Page: Recent Sermons – St. Andrews United Methodist Church (

Please click below to download Sunday’s Bulletin & Announcements Insert:

Bulletin 2-09-2025

Bulletin 2-09-2025 Insert