United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF)

UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship)

Our UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) meets on Sunday afternoons from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.  for grades 6-12 led by our Youth Director Bryan Kingsmill. Our time together includes study, mission projects, recreation, and fellowship. There are also special events throughout the year, such as retreats, District events and mission trips.

Our youth ministry (UMYF) exists to:
(1 John 3:9) non-believing students; to
CONNECT (1 John 1:3-4) them with other Christians; to help them
GROW (Matthew 28:19) in their faith; to
(2 Timothy 4:12) their ministry; and to
(Psalms 95:6) God with their life.

For more information about our UMYF & Youth Ministry, please contact our Youth Director Bryan Kingsmill at bkingsmill@standrewsfayetteville.org